
Netizens Comment on New Wechat Functions

Netizens have discovered the latest version of WeChat on iOS has a new function: deleting comments in Moments through long press. If the one who leaves the comment also uses a system updated to the latest version, then they will see “this comment has been deleted” when checking that moment again. Other contacts won’t receive any notice about it.
网友们发现,iOS上的最新版微信具有一项新功能:长按即可删除朋友圈中的评论。 如果留下评论的人也使用更新到最新版本的系统,那么当再次检查该时刻时,他们将看到“此评论已被删除”,而其他联系人不会收到任何通知。

Some netizens expressed their views towards this update, saying “for those nuisances I would rather delete them directly”.

In addition, the latest version allows users to withdraw “tickling” without giving notice to your contacts. The method is the same as that recalling a message, through long press. You can also tap the profile picture twice to withdraw, which requires your contact to also have the latest version.
此外,最新版本允许用户撤回“拍一拍”功能,不会通知到刚刚被拍的人。 该方法与通过长按撤回消息的方法相同。 你也可以点按两次个人资料图片以退出,这需要对方也下载了最新版本。

Previously, the “tickle” function bothered many users, as it’s easy to accidentally press someone’s profile picture. This can create an awkward atmosphere, especially when the two are not so acquainted with each other.
在之前,“拍一拍”功能让很多用户觉得很恼,因为在点开某人的个人资料图片的时候很容易不小心拍到她。 尤其是当两个人彼此都还不太了解对方时,这会让气氛变得很尴尬。

Netizens always have a lot to say when it comes to WeChat.

A Weibo user said the new functions are not really useful to her and suggested WeChat provide functions like the following:

· Delete the chat frame without deleting chat history;

· Two-way friend removal;

· Edit content that has been published;

· Expand the maximum size of files sent on WeChat;

· Do not send notice when other contacts also press “like” on a moment;

“I wish I could send gifs in Moments”, one Weibo user said.

“I want a speed multiplier and progress bar for voice messages”, another said.

What suggestions do you have for WeChat? Leave your comments here.
你对微信还有什么建议呢? 欢迎留下你的评论。


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