一切都应该公平:马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)想要保护美国大选

Everything should be fair: Mark Zuckerberg wants to protect the US election

一切都应该公平:马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)想要保护美国大选
一切都应该公平:马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)想要保护美国大选

On Thursday, Facebook’s chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, announced the company’s “New Steps to Protect the US Elections.” They include blocking new political ads in the week leading up to Election Day and attaching labels to posts containing misinformation, specifically related to the coronavirus and posts from politicians declaring victory before all the results are counted. Even Donald Trump will not be excluded.


周四,Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)宣布了该公司的“保护美国大选的新步骤”。 其中包括在选举日之前的一周内屏蔽新的政治广告,并在包含错误信息的帖子上贴上标签,这些帖子特别与冠状病毒有关,而政客的帖子则在计算所有结果之前宣布胜利。 甚至唐纳德·特朗普也不会被排除在外。


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