Three copies of speeches by parents of elementary schools(小学生家长英文演讲稿)

Three copies of speeches by parents of elementary schools(小学生家长英文演讲稿)


Every parent has his own unique experience in educating his children. Some parents can train their children to be excellent and excellent. Some parents have simple and rude education methods, and the results are unsuccessful and counterproductive. PassParent conferences allow parents to communicate with each other on how to educate their children. The following is a collection of primary school parent representative speeches collected by the editor. Welcome to read.

Elementary School Parent Representative Speech 1 (稿件1)

Dear Mr. Gong and parents :

Today I am honored to be the representative of the parents of class three four to share with you some of my experiences and experiences in educating children. If you are inappropriate, please also criticize and correct me.

Seriously, the children are living and learning in this outstanding group of class three four. I feel both lucky and stressed at the same time. Because this class has a group of highly qualified students, theyBehind them are a group of parents who are well-educated. Under the guidance of Mr. Gong, the children have made great progress in all aspects. As a mother who hopes to become a prosperous child, I also hope that my child can stand out and be among the best. But I am also soberRecognize the gap between children and outstanding classmates: for example: slow homework, not too likely to interact with classmates, etc. I think: as a mother, what I should do first is to adjust my own mentality, and then as much as possibleHelp the child to overcome some learning obstacles, and actually help the child build confidence and be able to truly integrate into the class.

My specific approach is as follows :

I. Dilute academic performance, focus on the learning process, and cultivate learning habits.

I agreed with my child not to blame him for an unsatisfactory test score, but for the basic knowledge that should not go wrong, I will never be merciful, and for the child’s lack of ability, I will go with himAnalyze the problems together and learn from each other. I hope that children do not place too much emphasis on scores, and pay more attention to the implementation and use of their knowledge.

During the daily learning process, I let him set his own work time according to the amount of work. If he completed it in advance, he could freely control the time. His work was checked every day, and the requirements of the homework were consistent with the teacher’s requirements.Sometimes, he did n’t know the endorsements well, so I did n’t sign because I could n’t discount them, and the children naturally did n’t dare to neglect, and formed the habit of getting up early to endorse.

II. Give full play to the role of the “Home-school Contact Book” and form a joint force of home-school cooperation.

I insist on writing a few sentences at home and school every day. Sometimes I praise and encourage the child, sometimes it reflects the problems of the child’s learning at home, and sometimes it is some inspirational words. Every time after writing, the child must take it very seriously.Sometimes Mr. Gong also responded, and the child was more concerned. I think: my words at least let the child know that the teacher understands his home performance, and the teacher cares about him as much as his mother.

3. Help the child to develop a collective consciousness and encourage him to interact more with his classmates.

In order to make the children have a collective awareness, for each activity organized by the school, I look forward to the same as the children, actively prepare and care about the results, I will train for the queue, the first place in the sports meet and be happy with the children, and I will tellChild: As a member of the group, you have also put in your best efforts. You are awesome! I often tell my children: how lucky you are to live in such an excellent class! I really envy you.

In order to let the child interact more with his classmates, I encourage him to lend stationery to the classmates in need. He also exchanges extra-curricular books with classmates to see. Once a classmate helps him, I will always remind him that there are many friendly classmates around him who are worth studying.So, it should be said that he is a tolerant and kind child.

In fact, like all parents here, we all love children, sometimes I also treat children simply and rudely, and then regret it later. I would like to say: let us take a look at children ’s results with a normal heart, and moreMy mind is used to make children happy to learn. Imagine a child who has good study habits and loves to learn. Do we still worry about his score? I am willing to work hard for this, and I hope that parents will give us advice.

Primary Parent Representative Speech 2 (稿件2)

Dear teachers and parents :


First of all, I thank the campus teacher for giving me such a good opportunity. I am the second-year student’s parent. I am very honored to be able to stand there and discuss the growth education of the children with you.

Parents are also delighted to see that their children ’s knowledge is growing day by day, and their learning habits are also improving and improving day by day. Here, I represent the hard work and selfless dedication of all the students ’parents to the teachersExpress my heartfelt thanks! The child just entered the school, and it takes time to slowly adapt to the changes in the environment and the change of his protagonist.

The growth of children is inseparable from the fertile soil of the campus. It is inseparable from the hard work of gardeners. In the first half of the school year, we have seen the gradual improvement of the campus environment. The teachers have worked hard to make the children faster and better.The teachers have made great efforts and hard work in integrating into the new environment and in cultivating children’s good learning habits and establishing a good sense of behavior norms.

And as a second-year parent, it also takes time to adapt to all these changes. Among them, the responsibility and the impact on the growth of the child is huge and far-reaching. Therefore, here, the childTalk about my own experience as a parent.

First, try to create a good one for your child家庭 Learning atmosphere.

The environment is an important acquired factor in cultivating a child’s character. According to reports, most of the outstanding talents who must achieve usually have a good family environment. Such families are harmonious, relaxed, equal, democratic, and full of loveThe parents must educate their children in the same way, and their behaviors must be unified. Do not argue or fight in front of the child. The child’s mind is fragile, sensitive, and vulnerable. Parental disagreement can lead to the child’s mind.Twisted, they will be frustrated on the road of growth. They are prone to insecurities, distrust of others, and tend to be inclined, resulting in unpopularity and isolation.

In addition, treat your child as a friend. You can also disclose to your parents life and work, so that the child understands your work, your hard work, your happiness and trouble, so that the child will understand you, sometimesHe may even go to comfort you. Parent-child communication will resonate emotionally. This kind of happiness is beyond description. Parents should pay attention to the way when they communicate with their children, try to lower their attitude, pay attention to listening, and be patientListen to the child after he finishes his speech, find the right time, put forward some ideas, and make it easy for the child to understand. Think about it in other places, understand the behavior of the child from the perspective of the child, and do not easily blame him. TellAs long as he works hard and works hard, even if the result is not good, it does not matter. If you always criticize and discourage, the child will lose confidence and block the heart; it will be difficult to communicate with him again. Therefore, parents must pay attention to careA good boy’s immature heart keeps the child’s heart shadowless and harmless, and every step is solid, healthy and confident growth.

Second, we must focus on cultivating children’s good living and learning habits.

Habits are the key to a child’s future success or failure, not by the quality of a temporary exam. So for parents, in family education, it is very important to cultivate children’s self-care habits and independent spirit.In life, we must deliberately strengthen children’s awareness that they can take care of their lives. For example, when they get up and go to bed, getting up and going to bed within a specified time will not only allow them to have a good sleep and be energetic.Going to study, but also allows children to establish a sense of time, make life organized and organized. There are also not picky eaters, eat less snacks, balanced diet and nutrition to ensure that the child’s body has sufficient energy supply. With healthTo have more energy to absorb new knowledge.

I do this with regard to the cultivation of learning habits.

After getting up every morning, ask the child to read the text aloud for about half an hour. Wen has already learned the knowledge, which will help the exercise of memory. After returning home from school, complete the homework first, and then check it yourself. You can go after the homework is completed.Play or watch cartoons. After bathing in the evening, sometimes pre-reading new lessons, sometimes reading extracurricular books. Since the child went to kindergarten, we began to develop children’s reading potential, develop thinking and broaden their horizons. I bought a lot at homeThe books he is interested in, such as picture books, comic books, children’s pictures, popular science books, etc. At first, we will accompany him and explain to him, and gradually the child knows more words, can read them alone, understand the potentialIt has also gradually improved, the reasoning, and the concept of right and wrong have gradually strengthened. At present, his favorite book is the “Expectation for Growth” edited by Mr. Sun Yunxiao, a well-known youth psychologist.Books. Parents can buy them for their children. The habit formation is a slow and gradual process. Parents must be patient and wait for their childrenTransformation. Watching a butterfly’s process of children is a painful process, but also an enjoyable process.

Third, parents of students should strengthen their learning of the potential of love.

Does love need to learn? Yes, love needs to learn. Love or being loved both requires potential. Some parents will say that our love for children is full of heart, does this need to be questioned? YesWe have endless love for children, but we have not learned how to give love to children correctly, which requires the potential of love. This potential comes from the study of parents’ theoretical books on children’s educational psychology; sourceFrom parents ‘thoughts on children’s behavior; from parents’ reflection on how they educate their children; and from the exchanges and communication between parents and campuses, parents and teachers, parents and parents! Parents need to find suitableOnly with your own education method can you catch up with the growing children!

Being a child is the foundation of the child. If you want your child to become a talent, you should teach the child to be a human being. The above are some of my humble thoughts on the family education of elementary school students. I would like to share my encouragement with parents and teachers.Working together, our children will grow healthier and happier in the care of parents and teachers!

Elementary Parents’ Speech 3 (稿件3)

Dear teachers, parents and friends :

I’m Xiaoyan’s Dad First of all, I would like to thank the teachers in class three four for their meticulous cultivation and care for Xiaoyu and all the children in this class; I also thank Teacher Lin and the parents for giving me this opportunity to stand here andLet ’s discuss the issue of children ’s education together. Actually, I think that every parent has his own unique experience in educating children, such as XX parents, etc. They have cultivated their children very well and outstandingly.I sometimes have simple and rude methods of education, but the result is rush and counterproductive, leaving a deep lesson. The following are some of the practices that my family usually educates children, which are summarized into seven aspects. I hope to be with everyone presentParents and friends learn from each other, learn from each other, and train our children together.

I. Communication

Education must start with understanding the child and understanding the child. As a parent, you must understand the child’s character, interests, hobbies, and what you want. What kind of help is needed to achieve the desired effect of education. Therefore, you must first learn to communicate with your child and squat.Come and listen to your child’s thoughts and opinions. From kindergarten, our family will lean on the sofa and lie in bed like friends, and chat happily and easily every day. Children often bring what happened in school and class to home.Say, we will be a loyal listener, affirm his good ideas or well-doing points, and point out his shortcomings. In the long run, he feels that we attach great importance to his feelings, and whatever happens is good or bad.Report to us for a while, share happiness with us, and solve difficulties together.

Second, teach by example

The family is the child’s first “school”, and the parents are the child’s first “teacher”. When the child was a child, it was like a video camera. The words and deeds of the parents subtly affected him and said good things.No matter how much, it is not enough for children to imitate their parents’ behaviors. “Do not support the father”, the parent has a great responsibility. First, as a parent, you must continuously improve your own quality, and your child must do it first.Only in this way, in the eyes of your child, you are an audible, credible, and respectable person. Second, family harmony is the foundation of education. Family members should implement principles and small things in style., Implement a democratic style, let the family have fun, let children live in a happy family environment; third, focus on creating a good family learning atmosphere, children do not watch TV, do not play mahjong, spend some time reading professional books,Novels and magazines can sometimes be accompanied by him to give appropriate guidance to children. Until now, our family has not installed CCTV, and children do homework before the third grade.We do not even open the computer, let the children in our family who read books read all of our parents, so that communication with their children are more common language.

III. Appreciation and encouragement

To appreciate children and be good at discovering their highlights, don’t always educate children condescendingly. As the saying goes, “Counting down thousands of children is nothing like boasting a child.” Instead of letting children tangle in endless criticismIt ’s better to commend the wrong things in a timely manner, to give a firm encouragement to your child’s progress, to understand, praise, and encourage your child. Remember that Xie Suyi just came into contact with the third semester last year Composition , I did n’t master the method at the beginning, and I did n’t write well. I was very anxious. I criticized it several times without seeing any change. Instead, the child became afraid of the composition. Then he calmed down and found out that his method was wrong.Changed the strategy and reduced the requirements, as long as there are some flash points in each composition, whether it is individual good words and sentences, or even as long as the handwriting neatly gives praise and encouragement, and then continue to strengthen the common reading with the child and guide the scene exchange dialogue.After more than half a year of hard work, the child is no longer so cold about writing, and sometimes he can write a more satisfactory composition.

IV. Open up horizons

Former Soviet Union educator Suhomlinski said: “The way to make children smart is not to make up lessons, not to increase homework, but to read, and then read.” I have been cultivating his reading habits since Xie Suzhen was very young.Every year, I solicit opinions from children and subscribe to some children’s books suitable for him, such as “Oriental Baby”, “Children’s Illustrated” in kindergarten, “Little Brother Benny”, “Master of Humor”, “Children’s Literature”, etc., And often go to the major bookstores in Sanming to buy a lot of children’s books, books he read everywhere in the home. Because of good reading habits, the child’s knowledge is broad, it is also very helpful for learning, and also for the training of childrenThe self-learning ability has laid a good foundation. “Read thousands of books and walk thousands of miles”, in the process of children’s growth, in addition to learning from books, I also provide children with various opportunities to let him as much as possibleTo reach the outside world, every weekend, as long as the weather permits, I took him on a walk or bike to the suburbs, watching flowers, birds, fish, insects, and feeling the changes of the four seasons. Starting from the kindergarten class,In the summer I will take him out of one or two doors away, let the children travel by personal perception and experience the wider world, expand your horizons, enrich knowledge.

Five, love but not pet

Most modern children are only children. They stretch out their clothes and open their mouths, rely on a strong heart, and have poor self-care ability. As the child grows up day by day, if it is just arranged, it will not help the child’s growth, but will alsoIt will have a negative effect. Usually at home, a sentence I often say to my child is “do my own thing”. Without affecting learning, try to let him do something that he can do, such as some small chores.They do it by themselves, and as the child’s age and abilities increase, the range continues to expand, gradually allowing the child to complete more difficult tasks, so that the child has a sense of pride in completing the task, and becomes confident and self-disciplined.

Sixth, bearish results

In the child’s education process, my family has formed a unified opinion, focusing on the cultivation of children’s non-intelligent factors such as interest, emotion, will, courage, perseverance, morality, and self-care ability, while the child’s academic performance is relatively weak.We think that what children should focus on in primary school should be a good learning habit. If their grades are not good once and twice, it does n’t mean anything, and there is no need to make a fuss. They have to develop good learning habits, and their grades will naturally improve and be good.Life, study habits, and morals are important factors that affect a child’s life. We must believe in children and give them motivation rather than pressure. When the child reaches a certain stage, naturally learn to add pressure.

Seven, home school cooperation

The growth of children is inseparable from the hard work and careful cultivation of teachers. Teachers are children’s knowledge-giver and road guides. Children spend most of the day with teachers and classmates. It can be said that teachers in some aspectsIt is better for us as parents to understand children. Therefore, as a parent, we must actively cooperate with the teacher, understand the child’s performance in school in time, find problems to solve in time, and prevent the children from fluctuating in learning and thinking. Only in this way can we form with the school.Together, we can maximize the development of the child. For a teacher, a child who fails to educate is only one hundred or one thousandth of the student he or she has taught, but for the child ’s parents,The failure rate is 100%. It is a pain that a family cannot bear. We may have to change a lot of positions and jobs in our lives. Parents are our only constant occupation. Therefore, as parents, we must cooperate carefully and reflect their children’s performance at home in a timely manner.To teachers, try to require children to behave consistently at school and at home in order to develop children’s correct learning attitude study method.

There are many ways to educate children. These are just some of my experiences in educating children. Education varies from person to person and pays attention to teaching. In short, to be a good parent, you need to pay a lot, a lot.Farming, a harvest, as long as it is carefully cultivated and the method is proper, I think the child’s education will be successful. Finally, the teacher also took this opportunity to make a little suggestion, the children all like to take physical education, music, art, and information classesI hope that the teachers can guarantee the class hours that these children like, let the children be exposed to more cultural and sports activities, and achieve comprehensive growth. Thank you!


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