有传言称第二代Apple AirPods Pro将于2021年中发布

有传言称第二代Apple AirPods Pro将于2021年中发布
Second-generation Apple AirPods Pro rumored to arrive by mid-2021
有传言称第二代Apple AirPods Pro将于2021年中发布

有传言称第二代Apple AirPods Pro将于2021年中发布

Rumors hinting at a mid-2021 launch of the second-generation Apple AirPods Pro are gathering steam. Independent reports from multiple sources suggest the rumors could be true. Reports point out that Taiwanese chipmaker Winbond is ramping up production to meet demand from Apple. Leaks also suggest the next-generation AirPods Pro could resemble the Pixel Buds or Amazon’s Echo Buds doing away with the stem entirely.

有传言称,第二代苹果AirPods Pro将于2021年年中发布。来自多个来源的独立报道表明,谣言可能是真的。报道指出,台湾芯片制造商温邦(Winbond)正在提高产量,以满足苹果(Apple)的需求。泄露的信息还表明,下一代AirPods Pro可能类似于Pixel Buds或亚马逊的Echo Buds,完全去掉茎部。


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