Volkswagen accidentally leaks plan to change name in US, deletes it later
Leading automobile giant Volkswagen accidentally revealed in a press release that it was planning to change its name in the United States to Voltswagen . However, the company removed the press release immediately. As per the press release by the company, the name change was a public declaration of the company s future-forward investment in e-mobility. The EV will have Voltswagen as their exterior badge.
前段时间,网上有消息爆出,大众决定将其美国业务更名为“Voltswagen of America”,其中Volt代表的正是电压伏特的意思,以此表达大众坚决转型电动化的决心,此消息爆出之后,包括《今日美国》、美联社、CNBC、路透社和《华盛顿邮报》在内的主要新闻媒体都对此事件进行了报道,并且在报道之前还跟大众进行了再三确认。可在最后,大众却宣布这是愚人节开的一个玩笑,此举引来了美国民众和媒体的方案,随后大众不得不发表生命道歉。