库克任职苹果CEO十年 将获得7.5亿美元股票报酬

库克任职苹果CEO十年 将获得7.5亿美元股票报酬
Tim Cook hits the jackpot! Apple chief to get $750 million on 10th anniversary as CEO
库克任职苹果CEO十年 将获得7.5亿美元股票报酬

库克任职苹果CEO十年 将获得7.5亿美元股票报酬

Apple CEO Tim Cook is all set to receive his final tranche of the pay deal signed ten years ago at the time of his appointment as the chief executive officer of the tech giant. As part of the deal, Cook will receive about five million shares of Apple Inc. If we go by Apple’s current stock prices, then Cook has hit a $750 million jackpot, according to a report by Bloomberg.

本周,苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆 库克(Tim Cook)将拿到他10年前从联合创始人史蒂夫 乔布斯(Steve Jobs)手中接过首席执行官一职后获得的第10笔、也是最后一笔激励薪酬。

据媒体计算,这笔激励薪酬包括约500万股股票,价值约7.5亿美元。 派发报酬的部分条件是,苹果过去3年的股票回报率超过至少标普500指数成份股三分之二的公司;而该公司已经大幅超过了这个门槛。



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