苹果公布iPhone 13全系电池容量:Pro Max大增18%

苹果公布iPhone 13全系电池容量:Pro Max大增18%
Apple iPhone 13 series’ battery size revealed; Pro Max has 18% more capacity
苹果公布iPhone 13全系电池容量:Pro Max大增18%

苹果公布iPhone 13全系电池容量:Pro Max大增18%

Now according to a report, the product information sheet has revealed the details about the battery capacity of iPhone 13 models. The sheet further showed that the batteries on the new iPhone 13 models have become bigger as compared to last year’s iPhone 12 series. That means the iPhone 13 series comes with a 13 percent bigger battery than its predecessor. The document further showed battery sizes in watt-hours.

刚刚发布的iPhone 13系列,机身厚度略有增加,虽然这意味着一些12的保护壳没法用了,但好消息是,续航表现都改善了。

具体来说,iPhone 13 mini/13 Pro标称续航时间比上代增加1.5小时,iPhone 13/13 Pro Max更是增加2.5小时。显然,把这两件事联系起来不难推测,iPhone 13全系的电池容量都便增大了。

在苹果向美国化学品运输中心提交的文档中,报备了iPhone 13的全系电池容量(单位:Whr),具体来说:

iPhone 13 mini:9.57Whr,比12 mini的8.57Whr增加11%;

iPhone 13:12.41Whr,比12的10.78Whr增加15%。iPhone 13 Pro:11.97Whr,比12 Pro的10.78Whr增加11%。

iPhone 13 Pro Max:16.75Whr,比12 Pro Max的14.13Whr增加18%。

另外,苹果文档显示,iPhone 13/13 mini内部为标准矩形电池,13 Pro/Pro Max则是L型电池,从而做大了电池容量。



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