Heavy rains in C. China’s Henan kill one, injure another with 8,000 evacuated
Central China’s Henan has been buffeted with heavy rains since Friday morning with 15 townships and villages bearing the brunt of downfalls with nearly 8,000 residents being evacuated from the hardest hit regions, China’s Central Television reported on Saturday.
强降雨导致山洪暴发、河水暴涨、桥梁被冲毁,一度造成11个行政村6482户、27554人信号中断、失去联系。目前各地救援力量已集结到南召县,开展救援,转移受灾群众、搬运被淹物品。失联7村均已取得联系 ,被水冲毁的桥梁、道路、电力、通信等设施正在抢修中。截至目前,南阳市一共转移群众近8000人。