iPhone 13用户无法用Apple Watch解锁:苹果回应将修复

iPhone 13用户无法用Apple Watch解锁:苹果回应将修复
Apple to fix problem with ‘unlock with Apple Watch’ feature on iPhone 13
iPhone 13用户无法用Apple Watch解锁:苹果回应将修复

iPhone 13用户无法用Apple Watch解锁:苹果回应将修复

American tech giant Apple recently shared that it has identified an issue with the ‘unlock with Apple Watch’ feature on its latest iPhone 13, and the company is trying to fix it. However, as per The Verge, it is still not clear what caused the problem or when the fix will arrive.The company described the issue with a new note on its support page.

苹果公司今天表示,之前阻止一些iPhone 13用户使用Apple Watch解锁功能的问题将在即将到来的软件更新中得到修复。

在一份支持文件中,苹果公司表示,受影响的用户暂时可以关闭用Apple Watch解锁,并使用他们的密码来解锁他们的iPhone 13,直到软件更新发布。


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