消息称苹果 CEO 库克与中国达成 2750 亿美元交易

消息称苹果 CEO 库克与中国达成 2750 亿美元交易
Apple CEO Tim Cook secretly signs $275 Billion deal with China
消息称苹果 CEO 库克与中国达成 2750 亿美元交易

消息称苹果 CEO 库克与中国达成 2750 亿美元交易

Apple CEO Tim Cook ‘secretly’ signed a deal estimated to be worth more than $275 billion with Chinese officials allegedly promising Apple would do its part to develop China’s economy and technological prowess through investments, business deals and worker training, The Information reported. The report alleged that Cook “personally lobbied officials” in China over threats made against Apple Pay, iCloud and the App Store.

12 月 8 日消息,The Information 发布了一份冗长的报告,介绍了苹果首席执行官蒂姆库克为在苹果在中国发展所做的努力,从而为苹果在中国亮眼的成绩铺平了道路。

该报告引用了苹果公司内部文件以及采访语录,内容涉及库克在 2010 年代中期多次访问中国,并达成了一项价值 2750 亿美元的交易,例如苹果承诺在中国大力投资技术基础设施和人才培训。


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