
Baidu to launch self-driving taxi service in Zhejiang


Chinese tech giant Baidu Inc said it will offer self-driving taxi service in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province, on Saturday, as part of the company’s broader drive to accelerate the large-scale commercialization of autonomous driving technology.

中国科技巨头百度公司周六表示,将在 Wuzhen,Zhejiang province 提供无人驾驶出租车服务,作为该公司加速自动驾驶技术大规模商业化的广泛努力的一部分。

The service provided by Baidu’s Apollo Go will include 84 pick-up and drop-off stations in the early stage in Wuzhen. Passengers can use the service from 9 am to 5 pm through one click on Apollo Go App.

百度 Apollo Go 提供的服务将包括84个 Wuzhen 早期的上下车站。乘客可以从早上9点到下午5点通过一键点击 Apollo Go App 使用这项服务。

Its autonomous ride-hailing service provided around 213,000 rides in the fourth quarter of 2021, making Baidu the world’s largest autonomous mobility service provider.


So far, Baidu Apollo’s L4 autonomous vehicles have driven more than 25 million kilometers, with 593 autonomous driving permits in China, including 398 for carrying passengers. L4 autonomy means the vehicle can drive by itself under most circumstances without a human backup driver.

到目前为止,百度阿波罗的 l 4自动驾驶汽车已经行驶了超过2500万公里,在中国有593个自动驾驶许可证,包括398个载客许可证。L4自动驾驶意味着在大多数情况下,车辆可以在没有人类后备驾驶员的情况下自行驾驶。

Baidu Apollo has rolled out robotaxi ride-hailing services in nine cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It is also conducting commercial operations in Beijing, Chongqing, Yangquan, North China’s Shanxi province.



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