TikTok to overtake Twitter, Snapchat ad share this year: Report
今年 TikTok 的广告份额将超过 Twitter 和 Snapchat
TikTok’s meteoric rise has baffled Meta as the Chinese short-video app is set to overtake the global advertising share of micro-blogging platform Twitter and photo-sharing platform Snapchat this year. Moreover, TikTok is predicted to catch up with Google-owned YouTube by clocking $23.6 billion in ad revenue by 2024, reports The Guardian. “Last year, it overtook the global ad take of Snapchat,” the report said on Saturday.
据英国《卫报》报道,抖音的国际版TikTok预计会在今年超过Twitter 和 Snapchat的广告规模总和,直逼大热的YouTube平台。TikTok增长势头非常强劲,且在青少年和年轻人群体中同样受欢迎,这也对主打青少年和年轻人社交的Fackbook颇为担忧。