美国枪支死亡人数在 2020 年飙升

美国枪支死亡人数在 2020 年飙升
US gun deaths soared in 2020
美国枪支死亡人数在 2020 年飙升

美国枪支死亡人数在 2020 年飙升

The number of gun deaths in the US underwent an “historic” increase in 2020, possibly due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and poverty, according to a report by health authorities published Tuesday.

根据卫生当局周二发布的一份报告,美国的枪支死亡人数在 2020 年经历了“历史性”增长,这可能是由于 COVID-19 大流行和贫困的影响。

The US racked up 19,350 firearm homicides in 2020, up nearly 35 percent as compared to 2019, and 24,245 gun suicides (up 1.5 percent), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said in its report.

美国疾病控制与预防中心 (CDC) 在其报告中称,美国在 2020 年发生了 19,350 起枪支凶杀案,与 2019 年相比增长了近 35%,还有 24,245 起枪支自杀事件(增长了 1.5%)。

The firearm homicide rate stood at 6.1 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2020, the highest for more than 25 years.

2020 年,枪支凶杀率为每 10 万居民 6.1 起,为 25 年来最高。


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