百度推出全新自动驾驶汽车 Apollo RT6

Courtesy of Baidu
Baidu unveils new autonomous vehicle Apollo RT6
百度推出全新自动驾驶汽车 Apollo RT6

百度重磅发布了第六代量产无人车——Apollo RT6。基于自动驾驶技术的重大突破,Apollo RT6 不但具备城市复杂道路的无人驾驶能力,而且成本仅为 25 万元。根据规划,Apollo RT6 会于 2023 年率先在萝卜快跑上投入使用。它的量产落地,将加速无人车规模化部署,重新定义汽车和未来出行方式。

据相关负责人介绍,Apollo RT6既是一辆车,也是一位好司机,它的自动驾驶技术,相当于一位拥有20年驾龄的司机。

Courtesy of Baidu
Courtesy of Baidu

Baidu unveiled its next-generation fully autonomous vehicle (AV) Apollo RT6, an all-electric, production-ready model with a detachable steering wheel on Thursday.

Designed for complex urban environments, Apollo RT6 will come into operation in China in 2023 on Apollo Go, Baidu’s autonomous ride-hailing service. With unit cost of 250,000 yuan ($37,000), the arrival of Apollo RT6 will accelerate AV deployment.

Speaking at the conference, Li Zhenyu, senior corporate vice president of Baidu and general manager of the intelligent driving group, said the autonomous-driving capability of Apollo RT6 is equivalent to a skilled driver with 20 years of experience.


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