China emerges as IMF competitor with emergency loans to at-risk nations
China has doled out tens of billions of dollars in secretive “emergency loans” to countries at risk of financial crises in recent years, turning Beijing into a formidable competitor of the western-led IMF.
The bailouts represent a pivot from the huge infrastructure loans China has extended over nearly a decade as part of its $838bn Belt and Road Initiative, a programme that made it the world’s biggest financer of public works, eclipsing the World Bank.
这些救助贷款意味着,中国在近10年时间内在“一带一路”倡议(Belt and Road Initiative)框架下提供巨额基础设施贷款的做法有了转变。8380亿美元的“一带一路”使中国成为世界最大的公共工程出资方,超越世界银行(World Bank)。

Three of the largest recipients of China’s rescue lending have been Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Argentina, which together have received $32.83bn since 2017, according to data compiled by AidData, a research lab at William & Mary, a university in the US.
根据美国威廉与玛丽学院(College of William & Mary)研究实验室AidData汇编的数据,中国救助贷款的三个最大接受国是巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡和阿根廷。自2017年以来,这三个国家总共获得328.3亿美元。