
MPs and peers do worse than 10-year-olds in math and English SATs 超纲了!英议员参加小学考试,考得还不如10岁小孩


British MPs and peers tasked with completing a year-6 SAT exam have scored lower results on average than the country’s 10-year-olds. 最近,一群英国议员参加了小学生毕业阶段的考试,结果平均成绩还不如10岁的孩子。

Only 44 percent of the cross-party group of parliamentarians dubbed the Westminster Class of 2022 achieved the expected standard in math, and just 50 percent achieved the expected standard in spelling, punctuation and grammar. 根据考试成绩来看,只有44%的议员在数学上达到了小学生的预期水平。在拼写、标点和语法上,这一数字为50%。

Across the country, 59 percent of pupils aged 10 and 11 reached the expected standard in the SATs of math, reading and writing this year.数据显示,在10岁到11岁参加考试的英国适龄儿童中,有59%的小学生在数学、阅读与写作中可以达到预期。

More Than A Score hope the politicians will take the high-pressured experience away with them and realize that “the exams only judge schools but do not help children’s learning” at that age. 这次考试的发起者、呼吁教育改革的组织“不止分数”表示,他们希望通过这次实验来让政客们体验考试的压力,并让他们意识到“考试只是用来评判学校,对孩子的学习则没有帮助”。


Robin Walker, the new chair of the education select committee, acknowledged a need to reform exams for 10 to 11-year-olds, but refused to back dropping the exams altogether. 教育特别委员会新任主席罗宾•沃克认为,针对10到11岁学生的考试确实需要改革,但不意味着要直接取消。

“There will always be a place for testing, but that cannot be the be-all and end-all to accessing the most opportunity. Ultimately, it’s not just about testing, but it’s how we develop their love of reading.”沃克表示:“考试的存在是有其意义的,但这不能成为通向成功的唯一路径。最重要的不是考试本身,而是借此来培养学生们对学习与认知的热情。”

Alison Ali from More Than A Score said: “This is more than a test of math and English capabilities, it’s an opportunity for MPs to put themselves in the shoes of 10 and 11-year-olds … they will see how absurd some of the questions faced by children are, how these absurdities influence and narrow the whole curriculum, and how they are only used to judge schools, not to help children’s learning.”来自“不止分数”组织的阿利森•阿里表示:“这不仅仅是一场关于数学与英语能力的测试,这能让议员们设身处地为孩子们着想。他们会知道孩子们面临的一些问题有多么荒谬,这些荒谬是如何影响、限制整个课程。这些考试只是被用来评判学校,而不是帮助孩子们学习!”


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