
Digital yuan continues domestic march助力消费复苏,数字人民币试点再扩围

The trial use of digital yuan has played a significant role in boosting domestic consumption as such use has been utilized in more Chinese cities and application scenarios, thus further boosting company participation, experts said.专家表示,随着数字人民币在更多的国内城市和应用场景中使用,数字人民币试点在促进国内消费方面发挥了重要作用,从而进一步促进更多企业使用数字人民币。

The e-CNY, which launched experimental usage three years ago, has been made available in several more domestic locations, such as Jinan, Shandong province, and Kunming, Yunnan province, in the latest expanded trials on Dec 16. 数字人民币试点推广已有3年,2022年12月16日,试点范围在现有试点地区的基础上扩展至至广东、江苏、河北、四川全省以及山东济南、云南昆明等地。

Trial use has also been promoted at the provincial level in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Hebei and Sichuan, amid the most recent expansion. To date, e-CNY can be used in 26 locations across 17 provinces and cities.至此,数字人民币试点全国已有17个省市的26个地区开展数字人民币试点。

Alipay, the payment app operated by Alibaba Group’s financial affiliate Ant, became the first digital payment platform to join the e-CNY acceptance network on Dec 12. 2022年12月12日,阿里巴巴集团旗下蚂蚁集团运营的支付应用支付宝加入数字人民币受理网络,成为首家支持数字人民币钱包快付功能的支付平台。

Platforms or applications connected to Alipay, such as e-retailer Taobao and Shanghai’s public transportation payment system, can all accept e-CNY payments.淘宝、上海交通卡等支付宝接入的平台或应用程序都接受数字人民币支付。

On Dec 16, online food delivery giant Meituan started offering 20-yuan ($2.90) coupons to each user opening digital yuan wallets via China Merchants Bank. 2022年12月16日,外卖巨头美团开始向通过在招商银行开通数字人民币钱包的每位用户提供20元优惠券。

Meituan has granted coupons to more than 10 million users since it started accepting e-CNY payments in January.自1月开始接受数字人民币支付以来,美团已向1000多万用户发放优惠券。


In early December, the Guangzhou Municipal Commerce Bureau and the People’s Bank of China Guangzhou branch released more than 1 million yuan worth of coupons in the form of e-CNY to help the recovery of the local consumer market.2022年12月初,广州市商务局和中国人民银行广州分行发放百万数字人民币红包,促进消费市场回暖。

As explained by Zhou Maohua, a macroeconomic analyst at China Everbright Bank, the technologies adopted by e-CNY, especially smart contract technology, can help boost consumption more precisely. 中国光大银行宏观经济分析师周茂华表示,数字人民币的技术特性尤其是智能合约技术的运用,有利于精准促进消费。

The combination of the digital yuan with coupons and e-commerce platforms will help promote wider use of e-CNY and the accelerated recovery of the consumer market, he said.他认为,数字人民币与消费券、电商平台等场景结合,有助于数字人民币推广,也有助于消费市场加速回暖。

According to PBOC’s digital currency research institute, more than 5.6 million shops and retailers have allowed e-CNY payments as of Aug 31. Up to 360 million digital yuan transactions have been made by the end of August, with the total amount exceeding 100 billion yuan.中国人民银行数字货币研究所数据显示,截至2022年8月31日,15个省(市)的试点地区累计交易笔数3.6亿笔、金额超1000亿元,支持数字人民币的商户门店数量超过560万个。


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