
China remains world’s largest logistics market for 7 straight years

China maintained its position as the world’s largest logistics market for the seventh consecutive year in 2022, industry data showed.

Total revenue of the country’s logistics sector came in at 12.7 trillion yuan last year, according to the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing. Social logistics expanded to 347.6 trillion yuan in 2022, the data revealed.中国物流与采购联合会发布的数据显示,2022年,我国社会物流总额达347.6万亿元,物流业总收入12.7万亿元。

China’s top 50 logistics companies raked in about 2 trillion yuan in revenue last year, the federation noted, saying that a batch of internationally competitive enterprises have started to emerge in the market.2022年,中国物流50强企业收入合计近2万亿元,一批具有国际竞争力的物流企业开始涌现。

To build a modern logistics system, China should work on the digital transformation of its infrastructure, including railways and ports, and promote the integration of resources in the sector, the federation said.中国物流与采购联合会表示,当前发展现代物流体系,还需要加强铁路、港口等传统物流基础设施的数字化改造升级,推进各类物流资源的协同融合。


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