China downplays India overtaking it as the most populous country; says it still has over 900 Million ‘quality’ workforce
中国淡化印度超越其成为人口最多的国家;称仍有超过9亿的 “优质 “劳动力
China on Wednesday sought to downplay India overtaking it as the world’s most populous nation with 142.86 crore people, saying that it still has a “quality” workforce of close to 900 million people to provide a strong impetus for development. According to the latest United Nations Population Fund data, India surpassed China to become the world’s most populous nation with 142.86 crore people.
周三,中国试图淡化印度以142.86亿人口超过它成为世界上人口最多的国家,并称仍有接近9亿人的 “高质量 “劳动力,为发展提供强大动力。根据联合国人口基金会的最新数据,印度以142.86亿人口超过了中国,成为世界上人口最多的国家。