
China hits back after Microsoft says state-sponsored group hacked critical US infrastructure

‘Volt Typhoon’ campaign focused on gathering intelligence and espionage, according to US technology group
微软警告称,受中国政府支持的黑客组织Volt Typhoon侵入美国“关键”基础设施,主要收集和刺探情报,而非立即造成破坏。

Microsoft has warned that a state-sponsored Chinese hacking group has compromised “critical” infrastructure in the US in order to disrupt communications between the country and Asia in the event of a crisis.

In a rare announcement about a systems breach, the US technology group said the hackers, codenamed “Volt Typhoon”, have operated since mid-2021. They have been able to infiltrate organisations across industries by exploiting vulnerabilities in a popular cyber security platform called FortiGuard, Microsoft said.
这家美国科技集团在一份关于系统漏洞的罕见声明中表示,这些代号为“Volt Typhoon”的黑客自2021年年中以来一直在行动。微软表示,利用一个名为FortiGuard的流行网络安全平台的漏洞,他们得以渗透各行各业的组织。

“In this campaign, the affected organisations span the communications, manufacturing, utility, transportation, construction, maritime, government, information technology, and education sectors,” Microsoft said. It added that the hacking group’s actions had focused on gathering intelligence and espionage, rather than causing immediate disruption.


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