TED Talk:多语言学习的高效方法


The Secrets of Learning Multiple Languages: A TED Talk

在最近的TED分享会上,Lýdia Machová,一位热衷于学习多种语言的讲者,分享了她的经验和学习方法。她强调,学习语言的关键不在于特定的技巧或方法,而在于找到享受学习过程的方式。

At a recent TED Talk, Lýdia Machová, an enthusiast for learning multiple languages, shared her experiences and methods. She emphasized that the key to language learning is not specific techniques or methods, but finding ways to enjoy the learning process.

Lýdia 介绍了几位多语言使用者的独特学习方法。例如,Benny 选择从第一天开始与母语者对话,而Lucas 则通过Skype与俄语使用者进行聊天来学习俄语。

Lýdia introduced unique learning methods from several polyglots. For instance, Benny chose to start conversations with native speakers from day one, while Lucas learned Russian by chatting with Russian speakers on Skype.


But the most crucial discovery was that all polyglots shared one thing in common: they found ways to enjoy the language learning process. Whether it was through reading favorite books or watching beloved TV shows, the key was to make learning fun and enjoyable.

Lýdia 鼓励观众寻找他们自己的学习方法,并始终确保学习过程是愉快的。她相信,只要有正确的态度和方法,任何人都可以成为多语言使用者。

Lýdia encouraged the audience to find their own methods of learning and to always ensure that the learning process is enjoyable. She believes that with the right attitude and approach, anyone can become a polyglot.


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