NASA‘s Curiosity arrives at Martian ridge formed during ‘wet period’
NASA’s Curiosity rover has successfully reached a rather intriguing location on Mars, called Gediz Vallis Ridge, which may contain crucial information about the planet’s watery past. The rover has captured a stunning 360-degree panoramic view of the ridge, that is theorized to have formed from violent debris flows, that were later eroded by wind into a towering formation. Interestingly, this event took place about 3 billion years ago during one of the last wet periods on Mars.
NASA的好奇号火星车成功抵达了火星上一个相当有趣的地点,名为Gediz Vallis Ridge,那里可能包含有关这个星球水分过去的关键信息。火星车捕捉到了该山脊令人震撼的360度全景,据推测该山脊是由暴力的碎屑流形成的,后来被风侵蚀成一个高高的地形。有趣的是,这一事件发生在大约30亿年前,也就是火星上最后一个湿润时期。