UBS and Barclays buck trend with substantial China ETF bets
Both banks are top backers of a China-domiciled financials exchange traded funds launch

Barclays Bank and UBS have been named among the biggest investors in two newly launched exchange traded funds in China, at a time when many foreign investors continue to shun Chinese stocks.
在许多外国投资者继续回避中国股市之际,巴克莱银行(Barclays Bank)和瑞银(UBS)却跻身中国两只新推出的交易所交易基金(ETF)的最大投资者之列。
China Asset Management, one of the country’s largest public fund houses, announced on October 11 that its new ChinaAMC CSI Hong Kong Connect Mainland Financials ETF listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange after raising Rmb209mn ($28.6mn) in initial assets.
10月11日,中国最大的公募基金公司之一华夏基金(China Asset Management)宣布,其新推出的华夏中证港股通内地金融ETF在上海证券交易所(Shanghai Stock Exchange)上市交易,募集了2.09亿元人民币(合2860万美元)的初始资产。
Swiss lender UBS injected Rmb20mn into the fund upon its formal establishment late last month, regulatory filings show, making it the second-largest investor in the fund.