SpaceX sued by employee for allegedly promoting serial sexual abuse
A SpaceX employee, named Michelle Dopak, has filed a lawsuit against the company. She alleges seven years of sexual abuse, discrimination, unequal pay, and harassment at the firm’s Hawthorne, California headquarters. Dopak claims her direct supervisor was responsible for the abuse and that the company’s top executives ignored her pleas for help. This lawsuit comes as SpaceX faces another proposed class action lawsuit pertaining to alleged pay and promotion inequity against women and minorities.
一位名叫米歇尔·多帕克(Michelle Dopak)的SpaceX员工已对该公司提起诉讼。她声称在该公司位于加利福尼亚州霍桑的总部遭受了七年的性虐待、歧视、同工不同酬和骚扰。多帕克声称她的直接上司应对虐待行为负责,公司的高层管理人员无视她的求助请求。这起诉讼发生之际,SpaceX正面临另一起拟议的集体诉讼,该诉讼涉及对女性和少数族裔的薪酬和晋升不平等。