China’s stockbrokers suffer pay cuts as markets decline
Top executives at China’s biggest brokerages have seen their pay slashed in the past two years against a backdrop of struggling financial markets and Beijing’s efforts to reduce inequality, according to disclosures.
The top three executives at some of China’s leading state-backed brokerages, including CSC Financial, Citic, China International Capital Corporation (CICC), Huatai Securities and Guotai Junan Securities, suffered pay cuts in 2022 and 2023, according to data released by provider Wind and based on official disclosures.
根据万得(Wind)发布的数据和官方披露消息,中国一些主要国资背景券商的前三大高管在2022年和2023年遭遇减薪,其中包括中信建投证券(CSC Financial)、中信证券(Citic)、中金(CICC)、华泰证券(Huatai Securities)和国泰君安证券(Guotai Junan Securities)。
Overall, nine of the top 10 brokerages by revenue recorded a fall in remuneration last year for their best-paid employees.