Biden raises eyebrows by claiming cannibals ‘ate’ his uncle
United States President Joe Biden‘s comments about his uncle, 2nd Lt. Ambrose J Finnegan Jr, potentially falling victim to cannibalism in Papua New Guinea during World War II have sparked confusion and criticism. During a campaign event in Pittsburgh, Biden suggested that after Finnegan was shot down over New Guinea, his body was never recovered “because there used to be…lots of cannibals…in that part of New Guinea.”
美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)关于他的舅舅芬尼根中尉可能成为二战期间巴布亚新几内亚食人族的受害者的评论引发了争议。在匹兹堡的一次竞选活动中,拜登表示,在芬尼根在新几内亚上空被击落后,他的尸体从未被发现,“因为曾经有过……很多食人族……在新几内亚的那个地方。”