How many people are learning Chinese as a foreign language?
Today is the UN Chinese Language Day. It commemorates linguistic diversity and cultural richness while promoting the adoption of Chinese worldwide. But how many individuals are learning Chinese as a foreign language?
The Chinese Foreign Ministry reported that as of April 2023 over 180 countries and regions offer Chinese language programs, with 82 integrating Chinese into their national education systems. Globally, more than 30 million people are engaged in Chinese language learning.
中国外交部报告称,截至 2023 年 4 月,已有 180 多个国家和地区提供汉语课程,其中 82 个国家和地区将汉语纳入其国家教育体系。全球有超过3000万人从事汉语学习。

According to Duolingo, a popular language learning app, 9.2 million users are studying Chinese.
根据流行的语言学习应用程序 Duolingo 的数据,有 920 万用户正在学习中文。
Holon IQ, a Global Education Market Intelligence Platform, estimates the Chinese language learning market to be valued at $7.4 billion, with over 8 million learners driving this growth. Projections suggest this market will reach $13.1 billion by 2027, boasting a robust annual growth rate of 12.1 percent.
全球教育市场情报平台Holon IQ估计,汉语学习市场价值74亿美元,超过800万学习者推动了这一增长。预测表明,到 2027 年,该市场将达到 131 亿美元,年增长率为 12.1%。