
Chinese smartphone giant Vivo said to be in talks to sell Indian factory to Tata
据称,中国智能手机巨头 Vivo 正在就将印度工厂出售给塔塔进行谈判

Chinese smartphone giant Vivo is said to be in talks to sell its stake in a factory in India to domestic conglomerate Tata Group, according to a report by local media Moneycontrol, as the South Asian nation tightens its scrutiny of foreign businesses operating in the country.
据当地媒体 Moneycontrol 报道,中国智能手机巨头 Vivo 据称正在就将其在印度一家工厂的股份出售给国内企业集团塔塔集团进行谈判,因为这个南亚国家加强了对在该国经营的外国企业的审查。

Tata is considering the acquisition of a majority stake in Vivo’s Indian unit, and the talks are in “an advanced stage”, Moneycontrol reported on Friday, citing an anonymous source. Vivo, according to the source, is seeking a high valuation for its asset.
Moneycontrol 周五援引匿名消息人士的话报道称,塔塔正在考虑收购 Vivo 印度子公司的多数股权,且谈判已进入“后期阶段”。消息人士称,Vivo 正在为其资产寻求高估值。

Vivo’s potential deal with Tata reflects the growing ambitions of the Mumbai-based cars-to-software conglomerate, which last year took over the iPhone factory of Taiwanese electronics contract manufacturer Wistron in the southwestern state of Karnataka.
Vivo 与塔塔的潜在交易反映了这家总部位于孟买的汽车到软件集团日益增长的野心,该集团去年接管了台湾电子代工制造商纬创资通位于西南部卡纳塔克邦的 iPhone 工厂。


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