小鹏汽车旗下 AeroHT 子公司将首款飞行汽车定价为 20 万美元

Xpeng’s AeroHT affiliate to price first flying car at US$200,000
小鹏汽车旗下 AeroHT 子公司将首款飞行汽车定价为 20 万美元

Xpeng AeroHT, an affiliate of Chinese electric vehicle (EV) maker Xpeng, will price its first flying car at around US$200,000, with delivery expected at the end of next year.
中国电动汽车 (EV) 制造商小鹏汽车的子公司 Xpeng AeroHT 的首款飞行汽车定价约为 20 万美元,预计将于明年底交付。

The company plans to mass-produce the flying car in the coming two years, with a target of selling 5,000 units, Wang Tan, co-founder and chief designer, said during a panel discussion at the South China Morning Post’s China Conference on Thursday.
该公司联合创始人兼首席设计师王坦周四在《南华早报》中国会议的小组讨论中表示,该公司计划在未来两年内批量生产这款飞行汽车,目标是销售 5,000 辆。

China’s low-altitude economy, referring to businesses operating aerial vehicles below 3,000 metres in altitude, has been on the rise since 2021 when the central government introduced policies and regulations to bolster the nascent sector. The market exceeded 500 billion yuan (US$69.5 billion) last year, and is expected to reach 2 trillion yuan by 2030, according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China.
自2021年中央政府出台政策法规支持这一新兴行业以来,中国的低空经济(指海拔3000米以下的飞行器运营企业)一直在增长。据中国民航局称,去年该市场规模超过 5000 亿元人民币(695 亿美元),预计到 2030 年将达到 2 万亿元人民币。


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