Danone plans India expansion to close in on rivals Unilever and Nestlé
Danone plans to expand in India as the French consumer goods group attempts to catch up with entrenched competition in the world’s fastest growing large economy.达能(Danone)计划在印度扩展业务,因为这家法国消费品集团试图在这个世界上增长最快的大型经济体中赶上根深蒂固的竞争对手。
The company’s presence in India, where it sells milk-powder protein and baby formula, is “nowhere near where it should be”, chief executive Antoine de Saint-Affrique told the Financial Times.公司首席执行官盛睿安(Antoine de Saint-Affrique)告诉英国《金融时报》,公司在印度销售奶粉蛋白和婴儿配方奶粉的业务“远未达到应有的水平”。