China’s Smart Car Components Industry to Reach $356 Billion by 2030
China’s automotive sector is projected to demand car parts and software worth 2.6 trillion yuan ($356 billion) annually by 2030, driven by the growing popularity of smart cars with autonomous features and digital cockpits. According to Zhang Yongwei of China EV100, the market could grow at 28.8% annually from 2026 to 2030. Key products like chips, lidar sensors, LED screens, and software will be vital, though supply may lag behind demand. Advanced features such as voice controls, facial recognition, and self-parking will define intelligence in future vehicles.
预计到2030年,中国汽车行业每年对零部件和软件的需求将达2.6万亿元(3560亿美元),这得益于智能汽车(配备自动驾驶功能和数字座舱)的日益普及。中国电动汽车百人会(China EV100)秘书长张永伟表示,从2026年至2030年,该市场年均增长率可能达到28.8%。芯片、激光雷达传感器、LED屏幕和软件等关键产品将至关重要,但供需可能出现不平衡。未来,语音控制、面部识别和自动泊车等先进功能将成为汽车智能化的标志。