

McDonald’s Sees Sales Rebound, Driven by Middle East Recovery


McDonald’s reported a surprise global sales increase on Monday, as business in the Middle East rebounded after a year-long slump caused by boycotts over the Gaza conflict.

麦当劳周一表示,中东业务复苏 带动全球销售回升,打破了市场对其业绩下滑的预期。2023 年 巴以冲突引发的抵制 使其在该地区的业务低迷了一年。

The fast-food giant’s global comparable sales rose 0.4% in Q4, beating analysts’ expectations of a 0.4% decline. Growth was led by the Middle East and Japan, McDonald’s said.

第四季度,麦当劳全球可比销售额 同比增长 0.4%,高于分析师预测的 0.4% 下降。其中,中东和日本市场 成为增长主力。


McDonald’s had faced boycotts in the Middle East, Indonesia, and Malaysia due to its perceived ties to Israel. However, the recent ceasefire may have contributed to a recovery in the region.Meanwhile, U.S. comparable sales dropped 1.4%, as customers spent less per visit, despite a slight increase in foot traffic.

此前,由于 巴以冲突,麦当劳在多个 中东及穆斯林国家(如印尼、马来西亚)遭遇抵制,但 最近的停火 可能帮助其业务回暖。与此同时,麦当劳美国市场的可比销售额 下降 1.4%,部分原因是 顾客单次消费减少,尽管客流量有所回升。

Additionally, an E. coli outbreak linked to an onion supplier in Colorado infected over 100 people, killing one, leading to temporary store closures.

此外,大肠杆菌疫情 也对麦当劳美国业务造成影响,该事件导致 100 多人感染、1 人死亡,并迫使部分门店关闭调查。

Despite the sales uptick, Q4 revenue remained flat at $6.4 billion, slightly below expectations.

尽管销售回暖,第四季度营收仍为 64 亿美元,与去年持平,略低于市场预期。


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