Xiaomi Plans to Enter Overseas EV Markets by 2027
Chinese smartphone giant Xiaomi plans to sell its electric vehicles (EVs) overseas starting in 2027, following the domestic success of its first mass-produced car. The company is joining BYD and Geely Auto in the race to attract global buyers.
中国智能手机制造商 小米 计划 2027年 在海外销售电动车(EV),在国内首款量产车取得成功后,加入 比亚迪、吉利 等车企的全球竞争行列。
Xiaomi President Lu Weibing told Jiemian News on Monday that the company has begun researching overseas markets, including Europe, to assess consumer demand and business prospects. “I hope we can officially enter foreign markets in 2027,” he said.
小米总裁 卢伟冰 周一在接受财经媒体 界面新闻 采访时表示,公司已开始研究海外市场,包括 欧洲,以评估消费者需求和商业前景。他透露:“希望我们能在2027年正式进入海外市场。”