

“Post-80s Mortality Rate Exceeds 5%”? Officials Deny Data Misuse

In early 2025, a shocking rumor emerged: “China’s post-80s generation mortality rate exceeds 5%.

Officials have denied this claim, stating that it is fake news caused by errors in the data used to calculate life expectancy. Mortality rate refers to the ratio of deaths within a specific region and time period to the average population during that period — a concept misused in the online claim.
官方已明确表示,这是一条 假消息,原因是用于计算预期寿命的数据存在错误。死亡率的概念是指在特定地区和时间段内的死亡人数与同期的平均人口之比,而这条网络谣言显然 误用了这一概念

Despite being from an obscure social media outlet, the fake news spread rapidly on social media, triggering sighs and concern. Rumors like this act as a subconscious call for attention, and the focus on the post-80s mortality rate highlights not only their collective anxiety but also their confusion as they face middle age.
尽管如此,这条出自 不知名社交平台 的假新闻依然在社交媒体上被广泛传播,引发了大量网友的 感慨和唏嘘。这种谣言就像是一种 潜意识的警示,而80后死亡率话题的热度,实际上反映了这一代人正面临的 集体焦虑,以及他们在步入中年时的 迷茫与不安



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