Chinese Lawmakers Call to End Job Discrimination Against Over-35s
Chinese lawmakers have urged authorities to eliminate job market discrimination targeting people over the age of 35.
中国立法者敦促有关部门 率先消除针对35岁以上求职者的就业歧视。
In recent years, hidden discrimination in China’s job market — such as age caps on recruitment, bias against married but childless women, and discrimination against graduates from non-elite universities — has increasingly come to light, adding to the anxieties of middle-aged jobseekers.
近年来,中国就业市场中隐藏的歧视问题逐渐浮出水面,包括 招聘年龄上限、对 已婚未育女性 的偏见以及对 非名校毕业生 的歧视,进一步加剧了中年求职者的焦虑。