OpenAI Seeks Federal Protection from State AI Regulations
OpenAI 请求政府保护 AI 免受州法规限制
OpenAI has asked the Trump administration to protect AI companies from state regulations in exchange for voluntary model sharing with the federal government. In a 15-page policy proposal, OpenAI warned that hundreds of pending state AI bills could undermine US technological leadership, especially against China. OpenAI suggested offering relief from state rules to AI companies that provide model access. This proposal was part of OpenAI’s response to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy’s request for input on securing US dominance in AI.
OpenAI 请求特朗普政府帮助 AI 公司免受各州拟定的监管规定,条件是这些公司自愿向联邦政府共享模型。OpenAI 在一份 15 页的政策建议中表示,当前美国各州有数百项与 AI 相关的法案,可能会削弱美国在全球技术竞争中的优势,尤其是在与中国的竞争中。OpenAI 建议政府为 AI 公司提供一定的豁免,作为换取模型访问权限的条件。这一提议是 OpenAI 对白宫科技政策办公室公开征求意见的回应,旨在确保美国在 AI 领域的主导地位。