Tesla to Release Cheaper Model Y, Boost Self-Driving in China
特斯拉推廉价版 Model Y,提升自动驾驶以挽救中国市场
特斯拉计划推出比现有版本便宜 20% 的 Model Y,新车售价将在 263,500 元至 303,500 元之间,预计明年在上海工厂投产。此外,特斯拉正与百度合作,优化自动驾驶系统对中国车道标记和交通信号的识别,以增强其在中国市场的竞争力。特斯拉近期在全球最大电动车市场的销量下滑,正通过降低价格和技术升级扭转局势。
Tesla plans to launch a Model Y variant that’s 20% cheaper than current versions, priced between 263,500 and 303,500 yuan, with production starting next year in Shanghai. The company is also working with Baidu to enhance its driver-assistance system’s recognition of Chinese lane markings and traffic signals. These moves aim to reverse Tesla’s recent sales decline in China’s EV market.